urrent strategies for funding include identifying Major/Title Sponsors for our programs on an annual basis. NBDC is seeking annual sponsorships at the $25,000 level.
A Major/Title Sponsorship entitles:
• Banner recognition at sponsored events.
• Logos in newspaper/print media advertisements for sponsored activities.
• Listing at the top ($25,000) level of all NBDC.
Major Donor promotions and organizational events (Annual Meetings, monthly Board Meetings, etc.)
• Logo/link on NBDC Home Page and sponsored activities web pages.
• A feature article in NBDC newsletter.
• 1/8th-page, sponsored activity ad in North Beach Beat (4 quarters).
Obtaining annual funding for our programs is vital to the success of the North Beach revitalization effort. Thank you in advance for your consideration. The future of North Beach is exciting and the programs we build today will provide the foundation for the revitalization of our community tomorrow.
Please call us at 305-865-4147 to request a personal presentation of our sponsorship/membership opportunities.